Parenting is a challenge. Parenting a child with special needs or being a parent with special needs presents unique needs as well. Every family deserves customized support.

Services for Infants & Parents with Special Needs


Erica has advanced postnatal doula training as well as medical training as an occupational therapist (OT).  While her postnatal doula services are not occupational therapy, she is able to help support families with her medical knowledge and expertise to help special needs families adapt and thrive.


These services are designed for…

NICU Grads and late preterm infants

  • Education and support during the prenatal period to prepare for a high-risk infant

  • Techniques for caring for your infant in the NICU

  • Caregiving skills that promote healthy development and healing from the challenges of preterm birth

  • Postpartum doula support to help parents confidently care for their baby at home following discharge

Parents with mental health challenges and trauma histories

  • Managing sensory and environmental triggers

  • Anxiety management

  • Preparation and rehearsal to minimize the challenges

Parents with physical disabilities

  • Support and advocacy

  • Assisting with home modification and adaptive equipment resources

  • Modified caregiving skills based on your strengths and abilities

Parents on the autism spectrum or experiencing intellectual or developmental challenges

  • Support and advocacy especially in regard to navigating the medical system

  • Childcare skill building

  • Skills for independent living as a family